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Tiny Time Big Results With Yasmin Vorajee

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Jun 28, 2016

In this episode, Yasmin shares her #1 productivity tip and the questions you need to ask to make sure you're focused on the right things at the right time.

Don't forget to leave a review if you enjoyed this episode and subscribe so you don't miss any episodes!

Jun 21, 2016

In this episode, Yasmin shares the 3 simple steps to running a successful online business. And why you shouldn't shy away from recognising that what comes easily to you is your gift. It is not easy for others! And what comes easily to you means you're great at it and you can be more successful and productive.

For more...

Jun 14, 2016

In this episode, Yasmin shares why tiny time is not a challenge, instead it's a unique opportunity to embrace!


Hear why busy-ness is not a good idea, how you can be effective with the time you have, why doing what lights you up make time expand and apply Parkinson's Law. Yasmin also sets you a challenge!

Jun 7, 2016

In this episode, Yasmin shares why it is important to define your core offer and use the core offer to splinter your 'offshoot' offers.

If you find yourself constantly tailoring your packages and prices to suit individual clients and get yourself tied up in knots about what you're offering, take a listen to this episode...