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The Tiny Time Big Results Podcast With Yasmin Vorajee

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Dec 17, 2021

Today, let's talk about why you're really not attracting your dream clients.

You know, the soul and heart aligned clients you dream of working with but right now, it's just not happening.

In this episode, we uncover the real reason and it's NOT what you think it is.

The truth is you might be telling yourself right now...

Dec 10, 2021

You might look at this video and think 'Good Lord, I'm not going there'

When we talk about shame, it's triggering. But stick with me because I think this podcast is so important to listen to.

Because feeling shame, embarrassment and judgment in your business is holding you (actually, all of us) back and it's time...

Dec 3, 2021

In this episode, let's talk about what makes your offer a no-brainer.

The offer that makes your ideal client say 'this is EXACTLY what I want, give it to me and take my money FAST!'

That's the dream, right?

So what makes your offer irresistible and compelling? In this episode, I talk you through the 4 essential elements...